Saturday, February 19, 2011

"A daily hit of athletic-induced endorphins gives you the power to make better decisions, helps you be at peace with yourself, and offsets stress."

Posted by: Meagan Harrington

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Incorporating DANCE In A Cross Curricular Way!

Hello fellow teachers!
Have you ever wrestled with the idea of how to teach DANCE in a cross curricular way? Are you interested in linking dance to math, social studies and science activities? Well, fear no more, here are some AMAZING Video clips that demonstrate just how to do that!!!
“Music is the arithmetic of the soul, which counts without being aware of it” Leibnitz

Social Studies: The Suitcase Dance
This Video shows students using dance to express their interpretation of the emotions and feelings immigrants/refugees feel as they leave their own country to come to a new one.
Science: Moving like Magnets
This Video demonstrates students imitating the dynamics of Magnets through dance. This topic is explored in Grade 3 science.  
Math: Four body Shapes
This Video demonstrates students taking basic shapes and forms found in Math/geometry and composing a dance based on those specific shapes.

All videos courtesy of TeachersTV :
Posted by: Charlotte Blahut

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Kicks For Kids!

Teachers! Finished math 15 minutes early? Need to get some students caught up on work while others have free time? Can’t get any gym time today? Indoor recess and you don’t know what to do with the kids? DPA is the way! It’s as simple and easy as popping in a DVD! No, it’s not time to pop some pop corn and turn out the lights; it’s time to get fit, burn calories and sweat with Billy Blanks Tae Bo Kicks for kids! You can do this with your students to model a healthy lifestyle that involves vigorous physical activity. In this video Billy Blanks shows kids easy moves that they can do, while the music is pumping in the background. The best part? All of this can be done behind their desks! Just make sure chairs are pushed in and the kids are spread out enough that they can lie down without other kids touching them. Maybe have a few kids move to different areas of the classroom, but a large space is not required for this activity. This video works every inch of your body, you AND your students will be sweating by the time you’ve finished a ten or fifteen minute session. That’s the best part; you can stop and start at any time during the video. Do as much or as little as you’d like.

Parents! Instead of having the kids play Nintendo when they get home, pop on Billy Blanks Tae Bo Kicks when the kids come home for school for 15-20 minutes, by then they should be good and ready for a healthy snack, and they will have gotten the wiggles out so they can get some of their homework done before turning on the video games. Just these 15-20 minutes can make a huge difference in their health and physical activity. And the best part is, it can ALL be done right in your living room, it doesn’t matter if it’s -40 or +40 outside, they can be in the comfort of their own home and work out using just their own bodies, no weights or extra equipment required!

The video sells for anywhere between $15.00 - $25.00, check out sites like or your local video store for copies. You will see that every penny is worth it when you see your kids burning calories and enjoying themselves with Billy Blanks fun and instructional videos. He teaches kids how to work out properly while making it fun and keeping them engaged!

In the words of Billy himself - “The body only profits a little from exercising but the spirit profits a lot.” – So get your child’s mind and body healthy by working out with this great video!

Blog by: Jennifer Thomas

Random Acts of DPA!

Surprise your students and randomly incorporate some physical activity into the school day! Be sure to participate in the activities along with the students to model the performance you would like to see from them.

1. Have a CD player prepared beforehand with fun song that students will likely know the dance moves to. Over the course of the day find a perfect moment to flick the switch and allow your students to dance away! You could also teach students simple dance moves to different songs as part of gym class and then have them use the moves when you put on the song at any point in a day. Lastly, you could just put on music and let the kids let loose dance for 1-2 minutes.
Examples: “The Chicken Dance”, “Hokey Pokey”, “The Macarena”, “Cha Cha Slide”, “Twist and Shout”, “YMCA”, “Walking on Sunshine”, “Monster Mash”, “Hot, hot, hot”
Check out how these students are staying active at school!

2.  Make physical activity a typical routine in your classroom! Post a chart with various movements students must do before completing a task.
·      Do 3 jumping jacks before handing in a test
·      Do 2 “burpies” when you enter the classroom after going to the washroom
·      Run on the spot for 10 seconds when you finish reading a book

   3. During morning announcements, have the students do a stretching routine. Each stretch should last for 10 seconds. Try to stretch 5 different parts of the body each day working down from head to toe. Create a routine as a class for each day of the week or have a different student lead the stretch each day. 
4. When students are lined up outside after recess, have them engage in one last bout of physical activity before leading them back inside.
·      10 jumping jacks
·      Run on the spot for 10 seconds
·      Run to the playground and back
·      Jump rope for 1 minute

   5. Practice directionality with your students by getting them to actively move in the direction you have called out.
·      Jump to the east
·      March to the west
·      Swim to the north
·      Walk backwards to the west

Posted by Alison McIntyre

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Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day
from your DPA blogging friends!

Valentine's Day is all about love, hugs, and poems... so here's one for you!

V – Volleyball
A – Abdominal Exercises
L – Loads of resources (see blogs - Feb. 6 & 12)
E – Exercise balls (see Feb. 7th blog)
N – Necessary
T – Toe taps
I – Involvement (see Feb. 9th blog and get involved in Jump Rope for Heart!)
N – No time like the present
E – Energy
S – Safety (see Feb. 3rd blog)

D – Daily Physical Activity!!! (For more info scroll down to our very first blog!)
A – Athletic (see Feb. 2nd blog)
Y – Yoga (see blogs - Feb. 1 & 2)

We hope your day is wonderful ♥ 

Saturday, February 12, 2011


We asked our fellow peers if they wouldn't mind contributing some ideas for our blog - they provided us with some amazing ideas, thoughts, and suggestions for DPA, and we are so happy to now pass them on to you!

The kids usually enjoy warm up games in the gym... also can be done with music. - Jordan
Give children body breaks (i.e., with your left hand, walk around the room and touch 10 black things; find 10 square shapes and touch them with your elbow) every 15-20 minutes. - Olha
Sam the Button Man - a great active song, includes action and lyrics, it takes about 5 minutes and tires them out!
In my practicum students were required to run the exercises during gym.. This gives students control over their own fitness. - Katie
In the middle of a lesson, randomly stop and play music and tell students to do jumping jacks. - Meagan
The kids loved activity stations to practice math concepts with manipulativees and other tools that helped them understand. - Stephanie M.
Kids love to dance! Try the cha-cha-slide! The song lyrics tell you how to dance to the music. - Daniela

The kids in my practicum kindergarten class loved to play 'freeze dance'. They also enjoyed making motions and hand gestures during read alouds, nursery rhymes, etc. - Anastaia
DPA gave students the opportunity to be active and have fun in my grade 4/5 class. After this activity they were more engaged in the class. They loved gym! - Francesca
During my practicum, the school participated in a 'community walk' where for 10 mins each morning they walked around the school park.  The kids loved it! - Krissy
I tried to incorporate daily physical activity in to as many of my lesson plans.  Whether it was getting students to do some jumping jacks before a lesson I found that students were more eager to learn if they were involved in DPA. - Mike D.
During Tribes training we learned a neat DPA idea - throw on a song and make dance moves to the lyrics. The kids love it. Try "Accidentally in Love" by Countig Crows! It's so upbeat - the kids are instantly engaged. - Claudia
In practicum my teacher used songs/dance for transitions or even if she wanted them to shift from one spot on the carpet to another. (ex. B-I-N-G-O). Stretching is also a good way to wake up the kids. - Jessica
In Tribes we used energizers as a means for DPA. For example, have the students "mill-to-music" for a few songs, interacting when the music stops! Fun and successful! - Kristen
One minute free style dance parties!
The students in my practicum loved playing volleyball. Also in my practicum, students were given a small party where they had champagnes glasses with juice. This was done as a celebration of work well done! - Candacy
A great way to incorporate DPA is to perform it with all classes (whole school) outside at the same time. - Sacha
*~Thank you!~*

Also - special thanks to Laurie for providing us with the following information about an educational challege called: Everyone Jump!

Students are encouraged to create entries which display their knowledge and awareness of diabetes and type 2 diabetes prevention by submitting the following: a poster, a dance or circuit or mission to accompany one of the Everyone Jump songs, an educational pamphlet, a commercial, a physical activity to accompany one of the Everyone Jump songs.
All participants receive a physical activity resources and there are great prizes to be won!
If you have any questions, or for more information, please contact
***Please note that this year's deadline has been extended to Feb. 14th, which is just around the corner - but the Everyone Jump contest happens annually, so it is something to start thinking about for the next school year :)

What is Everyone Jump?  "Everyone Jump is a resource, music CD and Educational Challenge that raises awareness of the importance of regular physical activity and healthy eating in preventing type 2 diabetes. Everyone Jump 2010/2011 is available to all public and Catholic schools in British Columbia, Alberta, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Ontario, Saskatchewan and now in Manitoba!" Please click here to see the Everyone Jump flyer!

Posted by: Mollie Halverson
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More Teacher Resources....Get A Move On!

Are you looking for more curriculum friendly DPA activities and resources? Well you have come to the right place! Here is a list of some great books, kits, and online resources for teachers. The Haliburton school board offers to lend these resources to school boards in Ontario for FREE! For more information on how to borrow these books and resources, contact 1- 866-888-4577 or e-mail  Here are a few of the helpful resources that I found on their site.

"Exercise in Disguise for Elementary Teachers"
This book is filled with DPA activities that not only take up minimal space, but have numerous curriculum connections to subjects such as math and science.

"No Room In the Timetable" For Teachers K-8
This book acknowledges that teachers are very busy and provides sample schedules for teachers which incorporates DPA into their instructional time. It also includes DPA ideas and sample lesson plans.

Healthy Strides: A Get-Moving Program for Elementary Teachers
This kit provides math, science and language lessons that all incorporate DPA into the lesson plan.

PROPS: Peers Running Organized Play Stations (Elementary Schools)
I witnessed this being used during my practicum and it is FANTASTIC. PROPS is a student recess program which encourages children to use DPA activities out on the play ground. This program promotes leadership amongst students and reduces undesirable behavior during recess. All students of all ages and abilities can get involved!!!

Ontario Physical and Health Education Association (
Canada's Physical Activity Guide (
Activ8 (
Canadian Health and Physical Education (
Schools Come Alive (

Information provided by the Haliburton Health Unit

Posted by Meagan Harrington

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