Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Kicks For Kids!

Teachers! Finished math 15 minutes early? Need to get some students caught up on work while others have free time? Can’t get any gym time today? Indoor recess and you don’t know what to do with the kids? DPA is the way! It’s as simple and easy as popping in a DVD! No, it’s not time to pop some pop corn and turn out the lights; it’s time to get fit, burn calories and sweat with Billy Blanks Tae Bo Kicks for kids! You can do this with your students to model a healthy lifestyle that involves vigorous physical activity. In this video Billy Blanks shows kids easy moves that they can do, while the music is pumping in the background. The best part? All of this can be done behind their desks! Just make sure chairs are pushed in and the kids are spread out enough that they can lie down without other kids touching them. Maybe have a few kids move to different areas of the classroom, but a large space is not required for this activity. This video works every inch of your body, you AND your students will be sweating by the time you’ve finished a ten or fifteen minute session. That’s the best part; you can stop and start at any time during the video. Do as much or as little as you’d like.

Parents! Instead of having the kids play Nintendo when they get home, pop on Billy Blanks Tae Bo Kicks when the kids come home for school for 15-20 minutes, by then they should be good and ready for a healthy snack, and they will have gotten the wiggles out so they can get some of their homework done before turning on the video games. Just these 15-20 minutes can make a huge difference in their health and physical activity. And the best part is, it can ALL be done right in your living room, it doesn’t matter if it’s -40 or +40 outside, they can be in the comfort of their own home and work out using just their own bodies, no weights or extra equipment required!

The video sells for anywhere between $15.00 - $25.00, check out sites like amazon.ca or your local video store for copies. You will see that every penny is worth it when you see your kids burning calories and enjoying themselves with Billy Blanks fun and instructional videos. He teaches kids how to work out properly while making it fun and keeping them engaged!

In the words of Billy himself - “The body only profits a little from exercising but the spirit profits a lot.” – So get your child’s mind and body healthy by working out with this great video!

Blog by: Jennifer Thomas

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